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These rounded head nuts can be riveted into thin panels for a flush fit. They can be mounted without spaces between the panels. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
Rivet these wing head nuts into thin panels for a flush fit. They can be mounted without space between panels. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
These rounded head screws have a nut that clips onto the edge of a thin panel, allowing you to mount the screw near edges. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
These wing-head screws have a clip-on nut that allows you to mount them near the edge of a thin panel. Use them to lock and release access panels, doors, and covers with a quarter-turn.
Press these rounded head nuts into a closed-end hole or thick panel in applications where the back of the panel is inaccessible. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
Press these wing head nuts into a closed-end hole or thick panel in applications where the back of the panel is inaccessible. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
Press these wing head nuts into the backside of a panel in applications where you have access to both sides of the panel. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
Press these rounded head nuts into the backside of a panel in applications where you have access to both sides of the panel. A quarter-turn locks and releases access panels, doors, and covers.
Install these socket head screws through a hole and thread on a retainer to keep secure—no special tools are required.
Install these thumb-screw-head screws through a hole and thread on a retainer to keep secure—no special tools are required.
Install these rounded head screws through a hole and thread on a retainer to keep secure—no special tools are required.
Install in soft material such as aluminum and low-carbon steel at least 0.036" thick with an arbor press or similar pressure tool.
These screws mount flush against the outer panel's surface for low-clearance applications.
Snap these screws into panels up to 0.125" thick—no tools are required for installation.
The base flares out during installation, creating a backside flange in hard materials and near edges in panels up to 0.312" thick. Install with a flare-in installation tool and an arbor press.
Push the plunger to secure and pull to release for quick access.
An expanding rubber bushing damps vibration while holding panels together.
Lock the nose in the retracted position by pulling the knob and rotating it 90°.
Use an arbor press or similar pressure tool to install these spring plungers into a panel.
Insert the nose into a panel; then thread on the nut and tighten using an installation wrench.