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Also known as jig bushings, these metric drill bushings fit inside fixture plate holes to guide drill bits, counterbores, reamers, and other cutting tools. They improve accuracy so that your drilled holes and cuts are consistent from part to part.
The head prevents these bushings from being pushed through the jig when drilling pressure is extreme. The head sits above the jig plate or can be mounted flush by installing in a counterbored hole.
Even under extreme drilling pressure, these metric bushings won't press through your jig plate. A flanged head on the top of the bushing acts as a stop, preventing it from moving as you push down your drill bit, reamer, or other cutting bit.
Avoid wear caused by repeatedly pressing bushings into your jig fixture. Instead, press fit these sleeves into the fixture one time, and then swap bushings with different IDs in and out to change the size of your bit.
The raised flange on these sleeves fits into the notch on removable drill bushings.
Twist these lock rings onto bushings to secure them in drilled holes.