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Protect fingers, cables, and debris from coming into contact with moving fan blades.
Filters remove dust and other particles from the air.
Made of conductive metal, these guards cover fans to block EMI (electromagnetic interference) and RFI (radio frequency interference).
Replace worn and damaged fan blades. Use the included set screw or shaft collar to fasten a blade to your fan's shaft.
Generate at least 25% greater airflow than standard fan blades.
Connect your wall-mount exhaust fan to a louver.
Protect the exhaust side of your wall-mount exhaust fans from debris.
Protect the supply side of your wall-mount exhaust fans from debris.
These filters fit over fans with round guards to trap dust and debris, keeping contaminants out of the air and off of your fan.
These two-piece guards attach to NEMA frame motors.
Plug these cords into fans that have quick-disconnect terminals.
Convert one or more single-speed ceiling fans to variable speed.
Heat the airflow from equipment-cooling fans to warm equipment and reduce humidity.