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Neoprene is blended with EPDM and polyethylene for foam tubes that offer good resistance to water, sunlight, and oxidation.
These EPDM foam tubes have the best resistance to water, sunlight, and oxidation of all the foam tubes we offer.
Jackets, seals, and insulation are just a few of the many uses for rubber tubes.
Used to seal narrow spaces such as channels, these tubes offer more compression than solid EPDM rods.
Protectively sheath materials, such as thermocouples, that move between hot and cold environments. Similar to nonporous alumina tubes, air and gas cannot pass through these mullite tubes.
Often used as a protective shield in thermocouples and other conditions with drastic climate changes, these SiAlON ceramic tubes won't deform, expand, or crack when repeatedly exposed to large temperature changes.