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About Structural Adhesives
Pressure-Sensitive Spray Adhesives

For easy positioning, this adhesive remains tacky for hours. Once items are in place, apply pressure to create a permanent bond. The blue color shows where adhesive has been applied. They cannot be sold to California due to local regulatory limits on VOCs (volatile organic compounds).
Certificates with a traceable lot number and product shelf life are available for these products. Download certificates from ORDER HISTORY after your order ships.
Each | ||||||||||||
Mfr. Model No. | Container Net Weight, oz. | Approximate Coverage | Begins to Harden | Reaches Full Strength | Shear Strength | Max. Temp., ° F | Color | For Joining | Cannot Be Sold To | 1-11 | 12-Up | |
3M Adhesives | ||||||||||||
72 | 17.3 | 27 sq. ft. @ 2.5 gm/ft² | 60 sec. | 24 hrs. | Not Rated | 120° | Blue | Composites, Foam, Metal, Plastic, Rubber, Wood | CA | 0000000 | 000000 | 000000 |