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Attach a compressed air source to pressurize liquids for dispensing and spraying.
Also known as vacuum degassing chambers, these containers remove trapped air from mixtures such as paint and mold resins.
Also known as mason jars, these have a tin-plated lid that forms a vacuum seal when heated.
The steel housing makes this vacuum cleaner more durable than other plug-in drum-top vacuum cleaners.
These vacuum cleaners have more suction power than our other drum-top vacuum cleaners for picking up heavy debris.
Use to empty or fill sumps and other liquid reservoirs—this vacuum cleaner pumps in and out. Unlike other drum-top vacuums, it works only with closed-head drums that have two openings.
Use our smallest drum-top vacuum to clean up minor liquid spills.
Remove coolant, sludge, slurries, and metal chips from sumps and other liquid reservoirs.
Pick up wet or dry chips, powders, and other light particles that create problems in other vacuum cleaners.
Use these components to put together a duct system to collect sawdust, chips, shavings, and granular material from woodworking operations.
Use these fittings in an air vacuum system to avoid the hassle of brazing and welding. Insert two fittings into a clamp and tighten to form a secure seal in steel tubing.
Clean parts with compressed air without propelling fluids and debris all over your shop. These vacuum/blowers quickly blow coolant, oil, and chips off your parts while a vacuum sucks them into a removable drum for recycling or disposing of them.