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The links are trimmed to allow chain to sit closer against a chain wheel or sprocket.
The ends of the chain are locked around the connecting link, allowing it to lie flatter than other chain. It is often used to operate overhead doors and machinery.
Use this chain to hang lightweight items and construct barriers.
The twisted links allow this chain to lie flatter than other light duty chain.
Brightly colored for visibility, this coated steel chain is commonly used as a safety barrier to mark restricted areas.
Chain has short, wide links that make it easier to coil and less likely to knot.
Lightweight and flexible, use this chain in applications such as hanging signs and fixtures.
A vinyl cover prevents the chain from scratching items that come in contact with it.
The links of this chain are formed into a figure eight then twisted into a 90° angle for use in lightweight hanging applications.
Made of nylon with a strand core, this rope bends freely and compensates for sudden forces, such as those found in towing applications and dock lines.
The core is polyester to give the rope stretch resistance.
Made of polypropylene, this rope floats in water, resists rot, and doesn’t lose strength when wet. It has a braided cover with a strand core, so this rope bends freely.