XH Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys
Securely carry heavy loads—these pulleys mount with quick-disconnect (QD) bushings (not included) for a better grip on the shaft than set screws and press-fit pulleys. They are XH (extra heavy series) with trapezoidal teeth. Made from iron, these pulleys are strong and resist wear. A black-oxide coating protects them from corrosion in dry environments.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD | Number of Teeth | Pitch | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd. | Outside Wd. | Overall Wd. | Pitch Dia. | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 2" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
5.563" | 18 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.187" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 5.013" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 0000000 |
6.125" | 20 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.187" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 5.57" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
6.465" | 22 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.187" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 6.127" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.25" | 23 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.187" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 6.406" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.25" | 24 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 2.187" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 6.685" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.75" | 26 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 2.25" | 2.592" | 2.592" | 7.241" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.375" | 28 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.25" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 7.799" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.875" | 30 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.25" | 3.156" | 3.156" | 8.356" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
9.438" | 32 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.25" | 2.606" | 2.606" | 8.913" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
10.563" | 36 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.25" | 2.606" | 2.606" | 10.027" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
11.688" | 40 | 0.875" | 4.438" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.25" | 2.592" | 2.592" | 11.141" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
13.259" | 48 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | __ | 3.438" | 3.438" | 13.369" | __ | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
16.601" | 60 | 0.875" | 4.438" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | __ | 2.563" | 2.563" | 16.711" | __ | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000000 |
For 3" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
5.563" | 18 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 3.25" | 3 5/8" | 3 5/8" | 5.013" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
6.125" | 20 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 3.25" | 3 5/8" | 3 5/8" | 5.57" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
6.465" | 22 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 3.25" | 3 5/8" | 3 5/8" | 6.127" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.25" | 24 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 3.25" | 3 5/8" | 3 5/8" | 6.685" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.75" | 26 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 3.312" | 3.655" | 3.655" | 7.241" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.375" | 28 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 3.312" | 3.671" | 3.671" | 7.799" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.875" | 30 | 0.875" | 4.44" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 3.312" | 3.906" | 3.906" | 8.356" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
10.563" | 36 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 3.312" | 3.666" | 3.666" | 10.027" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
11.688" | 40 | 0.875" | 4.438" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 3.312" | 3.63" | 3.63" | 11.141" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
13.259" | 48 | 0.875" | 4.438" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | __ | 3.63" | 3.63" | 13.369" | __ | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000000 |
For 4" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
6.125" | 20 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 4.312" | 4.688" | 4.688" | 5.57" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
6.465" | 22 | 0.875" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 4.312" | 4.688" | 4.688" | 6.127" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.25" | 24 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 4.312" | 4.688" | 4.688" | 6.685" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
7.75" | 26 | 0.875" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 4.437" | 4.717" | 4.717" | 7.241" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.375" | 28 | 0.875" | 3.83" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 4.437" | 4.754" | 4.754" | 7.799" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
8.875" | 30 | 0.875" | 4.44" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 4.437" | 5.156" | 5.156" | 8.356" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
9.438" | 32 | 0.875" | 4.44" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 4.437" | 5.156" | 5.156" | 8.913" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
10.563" | 36 | 0.875" | 3.383" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 4.437" | 4.717" | 4.717" | 10.027" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000000 |
H Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys
Move heavy loads without slippage—pulleys mount with quick-disconnect (QD) bushings (sold separately) for a more secure grip on the shaft than set screws. Bushing is not included. Pulleys are H series (heavy) and have trapezoidal teeth. Select a pulley with a maximum belt width that’s the same or larger than your timing belt width.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD | Number of Teeth | Pitch | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd. | Outside Wd. | Overall Wd. | Pitch Dia. | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 1" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.47" | 14 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 2.228" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
2.79" | 16 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 2.546" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.11" | 18 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 2.865" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.42" | 20 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 3.183" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.74" | 22 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 3.501" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.06" | 24 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 3.82" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.38" | 26 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 4.138" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.7" | 28 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 4.456" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
5.02" | 30 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 4.775" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
5.33" | 32 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 5.093" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.97" | 36 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 5.73" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
6.61" | 40 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 6.366" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
7.88" | 48 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.063" | 1.313" | 1.313" | 7.639" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
9.52" | 60 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | __ | 1.313" | 1.313" | 9.549" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
19.09" | 120 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | __ | 1.313" | 1.313" | 19.099" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 1 1/2" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.47" | 14 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 2.228" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.79" | 16 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 2.546" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.11" | 18 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 2.865" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.42" | 20 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 3.183" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.74" | 22 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 3.501" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.06" | 24 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 3.82" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.38" | 26 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 4.138" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.7" | 28 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 4.456" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
5.02" | 30 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 4.775" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
5.33" | 32 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 5.093" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.97" | 36 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 5.73" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
6.61" | 40 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 6.366" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
7.88" | 48 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 1.563" | 1.813" | 1.813" | 7.639" | 2 | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
9.52" | 60 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | __ | 1.813" | 1.813" | 9.549" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
19.09" | 120 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | __ | 1.813" | 1.813" | 19.099" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 2" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.5" | 14 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 2.228" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.78" | 16 | 0.500" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 2.546" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.1" | 18 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 2.865" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.42" | 20 | 0.500" | 1.87" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 3.183" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
3.735" | 22 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 3.501" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.05" | 24 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 3.82" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.369" | 26 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 4.138" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
4.687" | 28 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 4.456" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
5" | 30 | 0.500" | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 4.775" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
5.32" | 32 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 5.093" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.959" | 36 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 5.73" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
6.6" | 40 | 0.500" | 2.812" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 6.366" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
8.016" | 48 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | 2.094" | 2.344" | 2.344" | 7.639" | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
9.495" | 60 | 0.500" | 3.125" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SF | __ | 2.344" | 2.344" | 9.549" | __ | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
19.045" | 120 | 0.500" | 3.834" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | __ | 2.344" | 2.344" | 19.099" | __ | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
XXH Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys
To prevent slippage while moving extra heavy loads, these pulleys mount with quick-disconnect (QD) bushings for a more secure grip on the shaft than set screws and press-fit pulleys. They are XXH (double extra heavy series) with trapezoidal teeth. Made from iron, these pulleys are strong and resistant wear. A black-oxide coating protects them from corrosion in dry environments.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD | Number of Teeth | Pitch | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd. | Outside Wd. | Overall Wd. | Pitch Dia. | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 2" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
9.5" | 22 | 1.25" | 3.834" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 2.313" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 8.753" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 0000000 |
12.688" | 30 | 1.25" | 4.437" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 2.313" | 2.563" | 2.563" | 11.937" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
18.979" | 48 | 1.25" | 5.148" | Finished | Quick-Disconnect Style J | __ | 3.188" | 2.625" | 19.099" | __ | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000000 |
For 3" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
9.5" | 22 | 1.25" | 3.834" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 3.313" | 3.625" | 3.625" | 8.753" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
12.688" | 30 | 1.25" | 4.437" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style F | 3.313" | 3.625" | 3.625" | 11.937" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 4" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
9.292" | 22 | 1.25" | 3.834" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style E | 4.438" | 4.75" | 4.75" | 8.753" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
13.408" | 34 | 1.25" | 5.148" | Finished | Quick-Disconnect Style J | 4.438" | 4.75" | 4.75" | 13.528" | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000000 |
L Series Quick-Disconnect Timing Belt Pulleys
Carry heavy loads without slippage—pulleys mount with quick-disconnect (QD) bushings (sold separately) for a more secure grip on the shaft than set screws. Bushing is not included. Pulleys are L series (light) and have trapezoidal teeth. Select a pulley with a maximum belt width that’s the same or larger than your timing belt width.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD | Number of Teeth | Pitch | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd. | Outside Wd. | Overall Wd. | Pitch Dia. | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 1/2" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.39" | 18 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 2.149" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
2.63" | 20 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 2.387" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.88" | 22 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 2.626" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.094" | 24 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 2.865" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.328" | 26 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 3.104" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.563" | 28 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 3.342" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.805" | 30 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 3.581" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.047" | 32 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 3.82" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.516" | 36 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 4.297" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
5" | 40 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 4.775" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.95" | 48 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.563" | 0.75" | 0.75" | 5.73" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
7.132" | 60 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | __ | 0.75" | 1.25" | 7.162" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 3/4" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.39" | 18 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 2.149" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.63" | 20 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 2.387" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.88" | 22 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 2.626" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.094" | 24 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 2.865" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.328" | 26 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 3.104" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.563" | 28 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 3.342" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.805" | 30 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 3.581" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.047" | 32 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 3.82" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.516" | 36 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 4.297" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
5" | 40 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 4.775" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.95" | 48 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 0.813" | 1" | 1" | 5.73" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
7.132" | 60 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | __ | 1" | 1.25" | 7.162" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 1" Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
2.39" | 18 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 2.149" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.63" | 20 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 2.387" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
2.88" | 22 | 0.375" | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 2.626" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.094" | 24 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 2.865" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.328" | 26 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 3.104" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.563" | 28 | 0.375" | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 3.342" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
3.813" | 30 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 3.581" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.047" | 32 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 3.82" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 00000 |
4.516" | 36 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 4.297" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
5" | 40 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 4.775" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
5.95" | 48 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 1.063" | 1.25" | 1.25" | 5.73" | 2 | Sintered | Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
7.138" | 60 | 0.375" | 2.186" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SD | __ | 1.25" | 1.25" | 7.162" | __ | Cast | Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
High-Strength Corrosion-Resistant HTD Timing Belt Pulleys
Move belts forward and backward or stop and start them in precise positions, especially in areas where rust is a concern. The curved teeth on these high-torque drive (HTD) pulleys have more surface contact with belts than traditional trapezoidal teeth, which allows you to apply more torque without damaging belts. These teeth fit together seamlessly to prevent backlash, or unwanted movement of the belt on the pulley, for a smooth, quiet cycle. These pulleys are often used in 3D printing, machine tool drives, robotics, and other applications where precision is essential. They are also known as curvilinear belt pulleys.
Pair pulleys with an HTD timing belt that has the same pitch. The width of your belt should not be larger than the maximum belt width listed.
Stainless steel pulleys can be wetted repeatedly without rusting or staining.
Bushing-mount pulleys grip the shaft more securely than press-fit pulleys, but require a quick-disconnect (QD) bushing or a split-tapered bushing (not included).
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD, mm | Number of Teeth | Pitch, mm | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd., mm | Outside Wd., mm | Overall Wd., mm | Pitch Dia., mm | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Each | |
For 15 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||
67.57 | 40 | 5 | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 16.51 | 21.34 | 21.34 | 62.509 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 0000000 |
For 20 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||
70 | 26 | 8 | 1.374" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 62.22 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
80.17 | 28 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 71.3 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
84.94 | 30 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 76.4 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
95.25 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 86.59 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
110.34 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | 000000 | 000000 |
120.65 | 44 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 112.04 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
130.99 | 48 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 122.22 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
150.8 | 56 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 141.224 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 30 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||
78.49 | 28 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 33.32 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 71.3 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
84.94 | 30 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 76.4 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
90.48 | 32 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 81.48 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
95.25 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 86.59 | 2 | Machined | 000000 | 000000 |
110.34 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
120.65 | 44 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 112.04 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
130.99 | 48 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 122.22 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
150.8 | 56 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 142.6 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 50 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||
95.25 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 53.98 | 60.33 | 60.33 | 86.59 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
100 | 36 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 53.98 | 60.33 | 60.33 | 91.67 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
110.34 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 53.98 | 60.33 | 60.33 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | 0000000 | 000000 |
High-Strength HTD Timing Belt Pulleys
These HTD (high torque drive) pulleys have a curved tooth shape that provides higher strength than trapezoidal teeth. Select a pulley with a maximum belt width that’s the same or larger than your timing belt width.
Bushing-mount pulleys grip the shaft more securely than pulleys that press fit. Quick-disconnect (QD) bushings and split-tapered bushings sold separately.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

For Belt Trade Size | OD, mm | Number of Teeth | Pitch, mm | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd., mm | Outside Wd., mm | Overall Wd., mm | Pitch Dia., mm | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 12 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
R8M | 74.6 | 26 | 8 | 1.346" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 14.66 | 21.01 | 33.71 | 66.218 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 0000000 |
R8M | 80.16 | 28 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 14.66 | 21.01 | 30.54 | 71.298 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R8M | 84.94 | 30 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 14.66 | 21.01 | 30.54 | 76.403 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R8M | 90.48 | 32 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 14.66 | 21.01 | 30.54 | 81.483 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 15 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
H5M | 69.85 | 40 | 5 | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 16.51 | 21.34 | 21.34 | 63.652 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000 |
H5M | 96.52 | 56 | 5 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 16.51 | 21.34 | 21.34 | 89.128 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000 |
For 20 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
H8M | 74.93 | 26 | 8 | 1.375" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 22.23 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 66.217 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 80.01 | 28 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 22.23 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 71.297 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 85.09 | 30 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 22.23 | 28.58 | 28.58 | 76.403 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 97.03 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 22.35 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 86.588 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 109.99 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 22.35 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 120.91 | 44 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 112.039 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 131.07 | 48 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 122.224 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 151.13 | 56 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 22.35 | 28.7 | 28.7 | 142.595 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
R14M | 141.23 | 28 | 14 | 2.732" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 23.07 | 30.99 | 30.23 | 124.765 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R14M | 155.71 | 30 | 14 | 2.802" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 23.07 | 30.99 | 30.23 | 133.680 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R14M | 155.71 | 32 | 14 | 2.732" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SK | 23.07 | 30.99 | 30.23 | 142.596 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 22 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
R8M | 74.6 | 26 | 8 | 1.346" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style JA | 24.64 | 30.99 | 43.69 | 66.218 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R8M | 80.16 | 28 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 24.64 | 30.99 | 40.52 | 71.298 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R8M | 84.94 | 30 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 24.64 | 30.99 | 40.52 | 76.403 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
R8M | 90.48 | 32 | 8 | 1.574" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 24.64 | 30.99 | 30.99 | 81.483 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 30 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
H8M | 80.01 | 28 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 71.297 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 85.09 | 30 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 31.75 | 38.1 | 38.1 | 76.403 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 89.92 | 32 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 81.483 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 97.03 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 86.588 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 109.99 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 120.91 | 44 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 112.039 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 131.07 | 48 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 122.224 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 00000 |
H8M | 151.13 | 56 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 31.88 | 38.23 | 38.23 | 142.595 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 50 mm Max. Belt Wd. | |||||||||||||||
H8M | 97.03 | 34 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 54.1 | 60.45 | 60.45 | 86.588 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
H8M | 100.08 | 36 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 54.1 | 60.45 | 60.45 | 91.668 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
H8M | 109.99 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 54.1 | 60.45 | 60.45 | 101.854 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
Ultra-High-Strength Poly Chain Timing Belt Pulleys
Curved teeth with a high pitch provide superior load distribution and reduce wear. They mount with a bushing for a more secure grip on the shaft than set screws. Bushing is not included. Select a pulley with a maximum belt width that’s the same or larger than your timing belt width.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD, mm | Number of Teeth | Pitch, mm | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Wd., mm | Outside Wd., mm | Overall Wd., mm | Pitch Dia., mm | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 12 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
66.04 | 22 | 8 | 1.386" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1008 | 15.24 | 22.35 | 22.35 | 56 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 0000000 |
101.6 | 36 | 8 | 2.25" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1610 | 18.29 | 25.4 | 25.4 | 92 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
124.46 | 45 | 8 | 2.75" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 14.48 | 21.59 | 31.75 | 115 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 20 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
141.28 | 28 | 14 | 2.75" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 27.67 | 34.54 | 34.54 | 124.765 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
190.96 | 40 | 14 | 3.375" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2517 | 27.67 | 34.54 | 44.45 | 178.26 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
281.1 | 60 | 14 | 5" | Finished | Taper- Lock Style 3525 | 27.67 | 34.54 | 63.5 | 267.39 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 21 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
66.04 | 22 | 8 | 1.386" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1008 | 23.37 | 30.48 | 30.48 | 56 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
101.6 | 36 | 8 | 2.25" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1610 | 23.37 | 30.48 | 30.48 | 92 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
124.46 | 45 | 8 | 2.75" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 24.64 | 31.75 | 31.75 | 115 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Steel | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 36 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
89.99 | 32 | 8 | 1.875" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1210 | 40.89 | 42.24 | 47.2 | 81.48 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
100.03 | 36 | 8 | 2.25" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 1610 | 40.89 | 42.24 | 47.2 | 91.67 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
127.13 | 45 | 8 | 2.75" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 40.89 | 42.24 | 47.2 | 114.58 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 37 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
141.28 | 28 | 14 | 2.75" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 42.93 | 50.8 | 50.8 | 124.765 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
190.96 | 40 | 14 | 4.25" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 3020 | 44.45 | 52.32 | 52.4 | 178.26 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
281.1 | 60 | 14 | 5" | Finished | Taper- Lock Style 3525 | 44.45 | 52.32 | 63.5 | 267.39 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
For 68 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||||
141.28 | 29 | 14 | 3.375" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 2517 | 76.45 | 84.58 | 84.58 | 129.235 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
190.96 | 40 | 14 | 4.25" | Finished | Taper-Lock Style 3020 | 76.45 | 84.58 | 84.58 | 178.26 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
281.1 | 60 | 14 | 5" | Finished | Taper- Lock Style 3525 | 76.45 | 84.58 | 84.58 | 267.39 | 2 | Cast | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
High-Strength Ultra-Quiet Timing Belt Pulleys
Teeth are curved and set in an offset pattern for high strength with 25% less operating noise than pulleys and belts with trapezoidal teeth. Select a pulley with a maximum belt width that’s the same or larger than your timing belt width.
Bushing-mount pulleys grip the shaft more securely than pulleys that press fit. Quick-disconnect (QD) bushings and split-tapered bushings sold separately.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

OD, mm | Number of Teeth | Pitch, mm | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Outside Wd., mm | Overall Wd., mm | Pitch Dia., mm | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 16 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||
69.85 | 28 | 8 | 1.625" | Finished | Split Tapered Style H | 17 | 17 | 71 | Cast | Magnesium-Phosphate-Coated Iron | 0000000 | 0000000 |
90.43 | 36 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 17 | 17 | 92 | Cast | Magnesium-Phosphate-Coated Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
For 32 mm Max. Belt Wd. | ||||||||||||
100.59 | 40 | 8 | 1.871" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SH | 33 | 33 | 102 | Cast | Magnesium-Phosphate-Coated Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
120.91 | 48 | 8 | 2.187" | Finished | Quick Disconnect Style SDS | 33 | 33 | 122 | Cast | Magnesium-Phosphate-Coated Iron | 0000000 | 000000 |
High-Strength GT Timing Belt Pulleys
For higher speed or higher torque applications, these GT series timing belt pulleys provide a more precise fit than HTD pulleys. Use them where accuracy is critical, such as in storage and retrieval systems or in robotics. Similar to HTD timing belt pulleys, their teeth are curved for high strength. The curved teeth create positive grip engagement with timing belts, so these pulleys do not require re-tensioning—unlike drives using V-belts or sheaves. And unlike chain drives, there’s no metal-on-metal contact, so these pulleys don’t require lubrication.
For technical drawings and 3-D models, click on a part number.

Number of Teeth | Pitch, mm | ID | Bore Type | For Bushing Style | Inside Width, mm | Outside Width, mm | Overall Width, mm | Pitch Diameter, mm | Number of Flanges | Fabrication | Material | Each | |
For 40 mm Maximum Belt Width | |||||||||||||
28 | 14 | 2.75" | Plain | Taper-Lock Style 2012 | 46.23 | 54.1 | 54.1 | 124.765 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 0000000 |
46 | 14 | 3.375" | Plain | Taper-Lock Style 2517 | 46.23 | 54.1 | 54.1 | 204.978 | 2 | Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |
72 | 14 | 4.25" | Plain | Taper-Lock Style 3020 | 46.23 | 54.1 | 54.1 | 320.853 | 2 | Cast, Machined | Black-Oxide Iron | 00000000 | 000000 |